Full Moon in Scorpio - The Buddha’s MoonAstrology Columns 

Astrology: Full Moon in Scorpio – The Buddha’s Moon

By Catie Cadge

HAPPY FULL MOON in Scorpio 17˚20’ May 7th, 3:45 am PDT. Neptune, 20˚23’ Pisces, and Mercury 20˚23’ Taurus.

Welcome to Wesak! The Scorpio Full Moon this week marks the celebration of the Buddha’s Moon – a time to recall the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha. Although only recently officially acknowledged, this Buddhist festival has been around for centuries, always held at this time of year.

I can’t help but see the synchronicity of the timing of the Buddha’s Moon. To me, it recalls the seasonal polarity of Taurus and Scorpio.

What is enlightenment? To let go of all attachment, to realize that life gives and life takes away. The extremes of emotion we feel when grief moves us into some other realm of spirit, or we allow deep intimate bonding to unfold, require a Scorpionic trust and a willingness to accept loss, to accept the truth that life brings suffering.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury in Taurus – it is Taurus season after all! – allow us to enjoy the simple things that help us find peace and beauty, sensual things we want and crave that ground us in the moment.

There is something about this current Full Moon that suggests a bit of letting go, a recognition that all things change, fade away and eventually die. Looking at the current sky, much of it seems to speak to a depth of compassion that we all need for ourselves and for others, when we face such difficult times of loss, as the Moon forms a trine (120˚ aspect) to Neptune in Pisces and with Mercury, just beyond the Sun, at 20˚ Taurus, in a sextile (60˚) to Neptune. A lot of this is fundamental to being human.

I feel it is no coincidence at this time we find people calling attention to the deep, dark secret behind all our collective fears of Covid-19. Take Charlie Warzel, Opinion writer for The New York Times, who wrote this morning “The coronavirus scenario I can’t stop thinking about is the one where we simply get used to all the dying.” He was referring to the increase in gun purchases in recent weeks and the inevitable results it will have.

But death, grief, and loss are a reality and certainly a large part of the Sci-Fi film we are all living in now. Isn’t there a higher road we can take with the truth of our collective situation?

Maybe this entails learning how to let go in a compassionate way, one with love and forgiveness for others, but also forgiveness for ourselves.

I wonder what zodiac sign would best describe ‘forgiveness’? “Well, certainly not Scorpio,” I can imagine you all are thinking. Scorpio, the sign we tend to reduce to its pop astrology labels: intense, sexy, jealous, manipulative. On a deeper level, Scorpio embodies an awareness and acceptance of the complexity of life. Its intensity mirrors the realities of the fragility of life, of death, transformation and decay. Perfect for the Buddha’s Moon.

But in order to forgive, we have to be truthful, we have to recognize the complexity of who our partners and family members are, look at and accept the full picture so we can heal. So, we can face it.

The Full Moon at Wesak is a balance, I guess, of Taurus and Scorpio, of the simple and of the complex. And with the Moon in a trine to Neptune in Pisces, I believe there is a little bit of forgiveness, a little bit of compassion, in this Full Moon as well. Wishing you all the best!

Catie Cadge is a master-certified Evolutionary Astrologer and is the Dean of Instruction for the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Read about Catie and her work at caraevolutionaryastrology.com

(c) May 2020, Catie Cadge

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